
Friday, May 25, 2012

New York: Week Wrap

Our work in Harlem is practically finished. We still have a little bit of packing, cheap sightseeing, and a plane to catch, but conversations that are happening have happened. The work now is in the hands of Chris Clayman and his small team of full time missionary workers and church planters. They have already done much work, in fact some of the people we met, Chris already knows them well and has even visited family members back in actual Africa, wives and children of those unable to visit them while financially stuck in New York's Little Africa. Hopefully our conversations have pushed the people here who have been stuck in a cultural and hardened Islam to consider Chris's constant Gospel testimonies anew and fresh. Definitely keep praying as our team will, that our short relationships with the West Africans will lead to fruitful long friendships for the missionaries and ultimately reconciled relationship with our God and Father.

It would be remiss of me not to make known that the work is great and the workers are few, but New York is always looking for more sowers, tillers, and harvesters. Chris would love to receive a team from any church or ministry group. His website has some more information, including a flyer and short brochure on a doing one year internships with the team.


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